Dr. Mattia Bianchi

Dr.  Mattia Bianchi

Dr. Mattia Bianchi

Lecturer at the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

ETH Zürich

Professur f. Komplexe Regelsysteme

ETL I 34

Physikstrasse 3

8092 Zürich


Additional information

Research area

I am interested in developing distributed, efficient and robust methods to solve decision and control problems in complex network systems, such as power grids and cognitive radio networks. Towards this goal, I combine operator theory, learning, game theory and data-driven control. I am particularly curios about uncovering the common underlying structures present in optimization and control algorithms.

For a complete list of publications and preprints, visit my google scholar profile.

My curriculum vitae can be found here.

Short bio: I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Automatic Control Laboratory at ETH, Zürich, since March 2023, working with  Prof. Florian Dörfler. I received the Bachelor’s degree in Information and Communication  Engineering in July 2016, and the Master’s degree in Systems Engineering in July 2018, both from University of L’Aquila, Italy. From February to June 2018 I visited the Mechanical Engineering department, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands, where I was advised by Prof. Maurice Heemels. From November 2018 to February 2023 I was a PhD candidate in the Delft Center for Systems and Control,  TU Delft, The Netherlands, where I was advised by Prof. Sergio Grammatico.  From September 2021 to March 2022 I visited the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California San Diego, United States, where I was advised by Prof. Jorge Cortés. 

Additional information

If you are interested in pursuing a master's thesis or a semester project within the scope of my research interests, please send me an email with your resume, transcript of courses and a brief statement of your research interests.

Course Catalogue

Spring Semester 2025

Number Unit
227-0690-12L Advanced Topics in Control
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