Verena Häberle

Verena Häberle
Student / Programme Doctorate at D-ITET
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Research area
Verena Häberle's research explores the intersection of power system dynamics and control, highlighting her expertise across various disciplines, including automatic control, power systems, power electronics, and renewable energy sources.
Her primary focus lies on
- dynamic virtual power plant (DVPP) control,
- fast dynamic ancillary services provision,
- data-driven converter control, and
- next generation grid-code design.
Verena Häberle is a PhD student at the Automatic Control Laboratory (IfA) at ETH Zurich since June 2020. She received her Bachelor's and Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from ETH Zurich in 2018 and 2020, respectively, with specialization in power systems control, optimization, and technology.
During her Master's studies, she worked as a visiting student researcher at the Energy and Resources Group at University of California, Berkeley under Prof. Duncan Callaway and conducted research with the Grid Integration Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). She was a scholar of the German government funded Foundation of German business (sdw). For her outstanding academic achievements during her Master's thesis at IfA under Prof. Florian Dörfler, she was honored with the ETH Medal and the SGA Award 2020.
Year | Distinction |
2021 | SGA Award 2020 |
2020 | Silver Medal of ETH Zurich |
Additional information
See Google Scholar profile.
- Head Teaching Assistant and Co-Lecturer of Prof. Dörfler's Control Systems course at ETH Zurich (since Sept 2021).
- Lecturer in the ETH-Ashesi Master's Program in Mechatronic Engineering at Ashsei University in Ghana (since Jan 2023).